Journey To Sara

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Blog! I'm Gina & my hubby is Philip. We have 3 bio children and we are thrilled to be in our first adoption journey to Ukraine to find our little Sara. I truly believe this is a call from God and look forward to traveling with HIM on our side. We feel very grateful to be given the honour of adopting a child into our family. It has been simply amazing!! Please enjoy as you join us on our journey to Sara.......

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

We've gone to Court!

Hello everyone!
Yesterday morning we had gone to court! Thank God thats over with! Philip was so nervous! He did not sleep well the night before. On the other hand... I felt a calmness inside (most of the time) that everything would be just fine. I had been praying for a long time that when it came time for us to go to court, it would go quick and smooth. Thats exactly how it went! It took only 15 minutes and the judge was very pleasant. We ended up having our adoption hearing in the orphanage inspector's office in another building. Not in the court house at all. It was alittle more cozy and not so intimidating. The people present were: Philip & I, our facilitator (I'm going to call him Alex from now on), the orphanage director, 2 of the caregivers whom stood as the witnesses, the orphanage inspector and the judge. He asked Philip to stand first and he asked him about why we want to adopt, why Ukraine, how many chuldren at home, is this your first marriage, about our income etc. Then he asked me to stand and asked me a number of straight forward questions. That was pretty much it and then he announced that he was in agreement for us to adopt Anastasia. Everyone congratulated us before we left the room. Philip and I were so happy and relieved! We hugged and kissed and then Philip announced "O.K. I need a cognac now! Everyone laughed! Philip and I, Alex and our driver Leo went to a restaurant called, "Silvers", to celebrate. We all had a couple of rounds of vodka. (Silvo- I'll have to show you how they drink it hear! We can't wait to celebrate with you!! Ha! Ha!) This is the specific restaurant that we go to everyday for dinner and sometimes a coffee or lunch. They have excellent coffee, food and service. It is very clean and has the best washroom! They also have english menu's. The day before court we did end up 10-pin bowling. Philip, me and Alex played a few rounds and had a good time.
We are still getting along great with Nastya. She is very happy to see us when we come for the visits. We give each other lots of hugs and kisses. This makes me sometimes miss giving Anthony, Marina and Rafael our hugs & kisses. We wish you's were here with us. We miss you so much! We are getting closer and closer to when we will be together again!! We can't wait! We are trying to teach Nastya how to say her brothers and sisters names. She is already saying a few more words in english. She is a very fast learner.
Today she had her medical examination at the orphanage. We had Doctor Galina fly in from Kiev. We paid for her flight and hotel. Nastya was very worried and started to cry alittle. The examination went very well. She explained everything to us and said that Nastya did and does everything a child should do at her age. She has no delays. Wow! You have no idea how very grateful we are that she is in great health! We were not expecting this at all when we first met her. Boy, God is amazingly good! Everything I have prayed for over these past months is all coming true. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to all who have said prayers for us. Well I guess I'd better go. I will try to post pictures on our blog in the next few days. Bye for now!...........


  • At 11:48 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Guys,

    Keep flowing us with your good news!!! Congrautulations on the adoption, what a great relief this must be !! We have prayed for all of you and Gina you are so right about all the prayers being listened too. God bless you all!!!

    Love Ralph, Linda, Krizia and Chantelle Savoia

  • At 1:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations on the adoption!!!!...WOW! what amazing news, it must feel like a great weight has been lifted from your's all coming toghether and soon you will all be at home together where you belong! Can't wait till you all get home!
    Have a wonderful Easter with your new daughter Sara Nastya!..God bless your new family!...

    All our Love,
    Hugs and Kisses too,

    Angelo, Avelia and Angelica ;)

  • At 1:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi gi & filippo
    so happy all went well - mom told us.Samantha had her 1 year needle today - that actually went well too! Miss you very much.
    Always hugging the kids & we hope that relieves a bit of them missing you's sooo much.
    gio silvo & samantha

  • At 2:33 p.m., Blogger Kim & Brad said…

    ConCongratulations on the addition to your family.

  • At 3:25 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!! We are SO EXCITED to see her when you come home! HURRY HOMEEEEEEEEE! We miss you lot's! How many more days until you come home?!!?
    Have a wonderful Easter!

  • At 3:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Guys!!

    Great news! I'm so excited for you. Just reading I could feel my heart beating fast. I would agree with Philip - you certainly do need a cognac!!! Many continued blessings! I know that someday this journey will be looked upon as a great adventure and miracle at the same time. We can't wait til you get home
    Lots of Love,
    Vanda, Cynthia, John and the kids

  • At 9:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Philip and Gina we are so happy that this is all coming together. Its great to read all the good news on your blog. I can't wait to see you guys and your little Sara. Hugs from all of us. Bill, Trudy and kids.


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