Journey To Sara

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Blog! I'm Gina & my hubby is Philip. We have 3 bio children and we are thrilled to be in our first adoption journey to Ukraine to find our little Sara. I truly believe this is a call from God and look forward to traveling with HIM on our side. We feel very grateful to be given the honour of adopting a child into our family. It has been simply amazing!! Please enjoy as you join us on our journey to Sara.......

Friday, March 03, 2006

Plane Tickets

We received our package today! Yahoo!!
We received the package today from our adoption agency. We now have our plane tickets, travel insurance and our original notorized documents. We will be hand delivering the documents to our facilitator when we travel to Ukraine. Oh my God! I suddenly felt a "surge" of reality hit me! Just looking at what I just wrote and seeing the tickets infront of me.........we are really really going!! Today makes 23 days before we leave. (didn't I just write 33 days somewhere???) WOW! This time is flying faster then I thought. I better start writing down a list(s) of things I have to do, so I won't forget anything. I also will be starting a second journal for our little one. The first one begins at the very beginning of our journey when we first decided to adopt. In the journal I wrote about every step we took including what we were feeling and how we felt about different things. The second journal will be all about our travels, when we first met and basically what we felt and all about what went on while in the Ukraine. I really enjoyed writing in a journal because it helped me alot with the rollercoaster of feelings I had in our journey to Sara.............


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