Journey To Sara

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Blog! I'm Gina & my hubby is Philip. We have 3 bio children and we are thrilled to be in our first adoption journey to Ukraine to find our little Sara. I truly believe this is a call from God and look forward to traveling with HIM on our side. We feel very grateful to be given the honour of adopting a child into our family. It has been simply amazing!! Please enjoy as you join us on our journey to Sara.......

Thursday, March 02, 2006

March update

Hello everyone!
Not too much going on right now. There's just alot of preparing! Well I guess thats because we have 3 children at home and they do often keep you on your toes! All I'm worried about is making sure our kids are taken care of when we are gone. This is my only big worry. I'm really going to miss them. I can just see me blubbering away in Ukraine because I miss the kids terribly and they'll be here having a blast with everyone! To be honest....I hope it will be that way. It will make it even worse if I know the kids are missing us too much. This week I plan on placing 3 separate calendars on the kitchen wall so whomever is with the kids will know exactly what is going on with there agenda's. I'll also be cooking up a storm making pre-cooked meals and filling up the freezer with that. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible for the wonderful people staying with our kids. We are so very greatful for you all!!! We are also very happy for everyone who will be with the kids on the weekends!! I'm sure this will be a fun distraction! Thankyou everyone!
Today I received a phone call from Elena at the adoption agency. She told me that our plane tickets, travel insurance and original notarized documents (she sent copies to our facilitator) were all ready and she sent them by priority post today to our home address. We also talked about the director of the NAC . She spoke to our facilitator today and he said that she is apparently in Spain! Nobody understands why she has been gone for so long! It is very frustrating for everyone because she is the only one who can issue appointments. It doesn't make sense at all. I also have a favour to do for our facilitator. Apparently he gives a cell phone to the adoptive parents to use during the whole trip.This makes for easy communication. Well one couple forgot to return it before coming home and I will be bringing it back! Talk about a travellin' phone!! Well I guess thats it for today!