Journey To Sara

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Blog! I'm Gina & my hubby is Philip. We have 3 bio children and we are thrilled to be in our first adoption journey to Ukraine to find our little Sara. I truly believe this is a call from God and look forward to traveling with HIM on our side. We feel very grateful to be given the honour of adopting a child into our family. It has been simply amazing!! Please enjoy as you join us on our journey to Sara.......

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Whats been happening in Sept.?

Hello Everyone!
Wow !
I can't believe how much time has gone by already. On the 30th of this month, Sara will be home for 5 months. I see this on my screen, but I'm having a hard time believing it. It feels like just yesterday we were in Ukraine dying to bring Sara home.She has totally blossomed since the first day we came to Canada. Everyday I look at her and feel so grateful and full of love for her.I thank God for giving me the privilege of mothering and loving this amazing child that has become part of our lives. I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world. She has already touched so many peoples hearts.
It has become alittle quieter around here lately. Now that the kids have gone back to school and into a routine, we've somewhat gotten back some sanity! Anthony has returned to highschool in Gr. 10 and seems to like his teachers and subjects. Hopefully he'll keep a more positive outlook this year. Marina began Gr. 7 this year and loves it so far. Oh my God! She just has Gr.8 and then highschool!! Where does the time go! Rafael, our youngest boy began Gr.3. He also likes his new teacher. That leaves Sara and I alone all day. Its been nice doing the one on one thing, without any interruptions.Although she misses playing with her brothers and sister sometimes. She is also looking forward to beginning school herself. She'll be attending junior kindergarten in Sept. '07. She will proudly say,"When Sara 4, go school!"and then she puts up 4 fingers. I have sometimes brought her to Marina's and Rafael's bus stop in the morning. She really likes it because she gets to play with her friend Lauryn. She's a year older then Sara. Sara always happily says,"Lauryn my friend!" Sara has been quite the happy camper and always tells me so,without me even asking. She will come right out and say,"Sara happy!" "Sara happy with mamma and papa. Sara no have mamma and papa before.(She will pretend to cry) Now Sara home!"Sara happy!" I love you mamma. She melts my heart everytime she says this. She says it with so much sincerity. I'm so glad she is speaking so many different words now. She has even begun to talk about past experiences. I've given her several books for her age group, to do with adoption. Right now she really likes "The Tummy Mummy" and "Nicolai the Only Bear". She loves books and gets so excited when I tell her that I have a new book for her. We have been talking alittle to her about her adoption and birth mother when we read these books. Just very simple and basic things.Not specific personal details. I just tell her that her tummy mummy couldn't take care of her and thats why she was at the detsky-dom (orphanage) with all the mammachkas(caregivers) who took care of her until we found her and brought her home. I then I tell her that this is what adoption is.I always tell her that adoption means love.After every sentence I say she will say, "why!" She can be quite inquisitive sometimes. Thats all I tell her for now and she is satisfied with that. Right now she is really happy that she is adopted. I always make sure I leave these books on the table so SHE can decide when she wants me to read them to her. I don't want to be talking to her about it too much and end up overwhelming her. I just want her to look at adoption as a positive thing. Plus its alot easier for both of us to begin to talk about it while she is still very young. I feel this is giving her the opportunity to feel comfortable with it and comfortable to ask questions about her adoption when she starts to get older.

This month we've continued to go to our camper every weekend. We love going there and Sara has thoroughally enjoyed it so far. Everyone loves her to death and constantly steal hugs and kisses from her. I've actually talked to some of our friends about giving her too much physical affection. I asked them if they could slow down alittle because it had begun to confuse her. She was saying that another friend of mine was her mamma. This hurt when she said this. I swallowed my hurt feelings and attempted to find out why she was saying this. She was understanding that other females who gave her lots of physical attention, were also her mamma. This happened almost a month ago. She now has alot better understanding of what a family is and who HER family is. She will now say,"My Mamma!!" Everyone else is a friend. She is also understanding about strangers and people she just doesn't know. Last week we were sitting on the bench in Zellers, waiting for Marina to come out of the washrooms. A lady we did not know walked past us and Sara asked,"Who's dat?" I said,"I don't know." She then looked at me seriously and said, with her finger waving in the air,"No hugs and NO kisses her!!"
I gave her a big smile and a hug and told her what a smart and good girl she was. Thank God she is understanding what apropriate behaviour to use with strangers and aquaintances.
At the beginning of Sept. we went to a salon and had Sara's ears peirced. She had been enquiring about it quite a few times. She wanted to be the same as mamma, Marina, Nonna and auntie Gio Gio.She was great! They numbed her ears with extra strength adult anbesol for teeth and gums. It worked. She cried for both ears because of the sudden noise the gun made. She picked out her own purple diamond studs. She looks adorable and Sara loves them.
Sara is still regressing with me. I'm really enjoying this alot. Right now she is taking a soother sometimes when she is tired. Almost every night I heat her up a bottle of milk. She also enjoys sitting on my lap and have me spoon feed her. She loves me picking her up and have me walking around with her on my hip. She also has me put a diaper on her with wipies and even some cream on her tushy! You can see her just loving every bit of this "baby attention".She is eating very well now.She likes eating her fruits, bread, and "eggs to dip". She sometimes will eat 2 sunny-side-up eggs and a slice of bread. Sara has grown at least an inch and put on some weight. Her hair has grown like wild-fire. It has gotten longer and curlier and thicker. Her skin and nails aren't so dry anymore either.
I also wanted to let you's know that more appointments have been issued for September and now even some for the beginning of October! This is great! It's finally happening. Although the SDA will be closing for about 2 wks in the second half of October. This is apparently to prepare and confirm the future appointments. I pray that they don't take longer than this. Everyone has been waiting for long enough!!!
Well I better go and get some sleep now I'm falling asleep!
Until next time.........................
take care all!!
Gina Fortini


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